Halloween is one of our favorite times of year. It can be so much fun! Costuming is a great way to showcase your creativity, and it’s such a novelty to be out on the streets at night with all the other witches and goblins—or Paw Patrol and PJ Masks characters!
However, trick-or-treating can be dangerous for children. Take these steps to make the experience safer, without sacrificing any of the fun.
Choose Your Halloween Costume Wisely
Costumes and wigs should be flame-retardant and highly visible. You may want to add reflective tape to your child’s costume, if it isn’t already made of reflective material. Light costumes are easier to see, and flashlights and glowing necklaces make great trick-or-treating partners. Think of all the times you’ve slammed on your brakes when encountering a pedestrian in dark clothing or a cyclist when driving at night. You definitely don’t want to endanger your children or put drivers in that type of risky situation. Kids are more than twice as likely to be hit by a car and killed on Halloween as on any other day of the year.
Make-up and face paint can irritate sensitive skin. Test a small patch of skin on your child’s arm before smearing it all over their face.
Make sure your child can move freely in their costume. You want them to be able to see out of masks and not trip over trailing bits of cloth. (Sometimes avoiding masks is safest of all!)
Look Both Ways – Twice!
Young trick-or-treaters should always be accompanied by a responsible adult. Make eye contact with the drivers of nearby cars to ensure you’ve been seen before crossing the street.
If older kids are going out alone, agree on a planned route ahead of time. Check in via cell phone every half hour and instruct them not to enter anyone’s house or car.
- Make sure their cell phones are charged and have their GPS functions turned on.
- Agree on a time for them to be home.
- If your children are going out on bicycles, don’t forget helmets and lights!
- Remind your children to look out for cars and to cross at corners and crosswalks only.
- Don’t walk in the road. Use sidewalks. If there are no sidewalks, walk in yards.
- Watch for cars backing out of driveways.
- Remind teens to look where they’re going. Don’t walk and text and always be aware of surroundings.
Drive safely
Go slowly and be extra alert when driving. Watch for kids at crosswalks, as well as, kids who may simply dash in front of your car.
Encourage inexperienced drivers to stay off the road during prime trick-or-treating hours.